read » Minutes of this year's Annual Parish Meeting
Winterbourne Ward
T Bowles
J Amos
P Hemmings
Mrs P Willis
M Manning
Mrs M Newport
Mrs D Marriot
J Brain
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Winterbourne Down and Hambrook Ward
R Climmer
Mrs M Churchill
J P Godwin
M Goodman
Frenchay Ward
D Fletcher
P Kembery
E Lewis
Mrs C Thorne
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Clerk to Winterbourne Parish Council
The Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1NJ
Tel: 01454 776922
The Parish office is open to the public on weekday mornings from 9.00am to 12noon.
Quality Parish and Town Council Scheme
A Government-led intiative to demonstrate to parishioners that Parish and Town Councils are competent and in touch with their communities was launched in 2003. This is the "Quality Parish and Town Council Scheme"
Winterbourne Parish Council applied for Quality Status after providing all the required criteria and supporting evidence to the County Accreditation Panel.
Winterbourne Parish Council was awarded Quality Status on 24 June 2005.